Refreshing My Soap Saver Line
Just realized after doing some site maintaince the great post about refreshing my Soap Saver Product line has vaporized 🙁 I think I have enabled backups now so hopefully it won’t happen again.Continue Reading
Insights on my Creation Designs
Just realized after doing some site maintaince the great post about refreshing my Soap Saver Product line has vaporized 🙁 I think I have enabled backups now so hopefully it won’t happen again.Continue Reading
I thought it would be interesting to document new designs and update progress. That way I will have a record and perhaps some will find it interesting to see how the sausages are made so to speak. Look for the Category “Project Designs”Continue Reading
This post is going to be a running list of things and ideas I am contemplating working on. Or maybe you have an idea for a creation? So many times in the past I have thought of something cool but never wrote it down or did anything with it. LikeContinue Reading
Our eldest daughter Lauren recently contacted me requesting if I would remake her another earring holder I made for her some years ago but with a Hair Bow Option. Sounds like a Christmas present in the works.Continue Reading