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CNC Explorer 2.0 WEB APP
After taking a break on development for the CNC Explorer 2.0 Excel App I had a chance to reset my bearings. I always knew developing on Excel was not going to work long term. It limits which platforms the app ...

Mayan Aztec Calendar Clock
See in my SHOP NOW I made a modified Aztec Calendar in the theme of Star Wars for my daughter's Christmas present this year. I came up with the idea of adding a clock into the design because I was ...

Make Your Chips Fly with the CNC Explorer
Introducing CNC Explorer 1.0 CNC Explorer 1.0 Introduction To make clean efficient cuts on a CNC Router, picking the proper feed rates and spindle RPM is crucial. But many are not sure how this is accomplished and end up using ...

Super Sizing The Onefinity CNC–Part III: CNC Router Lift
In Part I and Part II of this series I covered how to generate toolpaths that would fit on a smaller CNC such as The Machinist. I reviled a twist on I called Offset tiling and how I can reduces ...
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